H89 CP/M hard-secored boot diskette

From: Tom Uban <uban_at_ubanproductions.com>
Date: Mon Apr 7 13:06:00 2003

"LISP", excellent! I would like a copy of that. Any docs
with it?


At 09:58 AM 4/7/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi All
> Well, I dug out my H89. I turned it on, POP, turned it
>off. Smoke comes from the one side.
> Well, it looked like one of the 2.2 uf tantalums decided
>to give up. I snipped it with my diagonals and brought
>it up again. No smoke this time and all the voltages
>looked good. As the screen came back to life, the H:
>prompt showed.
> I next put one of my bootable disk in and typed B(CR).
>Success! It is alive. I tried a number of disk and
>some had problems. I tracked it down to the disk not
>rotating. I'm not sure at what point they fail to rotate.
>I don't know if the motor isn't turning, the belt is
>slipping or the clamp on the disk is slipping. It seems
>that many of the disk envelopes are tight. This should
>be a warning. Don't stack disk on their sides.
> Years ago, I'd place a second drive in the machine by
>installing two half height drives. The boot drive it
>behind the other drive so I can't see what the difficulty
>is with the other disk.
> It got late so I'll fiddle some more, later. I was looking at
>the HDOS stuff I have and I also found a LISP for the H89
>as well. I'll work some more on making a image to serial
>to transfer this stuff to a PC.
Received on Mon Apr 07 2003 - 13:06:00 BST

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