> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctech-admin_at_classiccmp.org [mailto:cctech-admin_at_classiccmp.org]On
> Behalf Of John Honniball
> Sent: 04 April 2003 20:28
> To: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
> Subject: Re: IBM 5161
> Just had a look at the images on the Binary Dinosaurs site, and I see
> that you have a blue, full-length card with an 8X305 on it. This is
> a bit-slice CPU chip, so I'm curious as to what this card is. Does
> anyone recognise it?
It's an IRMA Decision Support Interface, and according to an IT Glossary
I've found at mtsac.edu it's "IRMA - A circuit card and software combination
package from DCA which serves as a microprocessor responding to poll in an
interactive 327x network. It emulates a terminal while residing in a PC.
This makes PC's dual function devices - they serve as both terminals and
micros (see also AVATAR card)."
Pix are here:
Here's a post I found in comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.networking:
"This is not a 10B2 card...it is an IRMA board I believe. IRMA boards are
clones made by DCA (as stated on the card). An IBM3278 board is a NIC for
PC to interface with a 3270 network. They're useless unless of course you're
running a 3270 network as well"
So that's me stuffed since I don't have a handy mainframe floating around
anywhere :o)
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the online computer museum
www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk - monthly gothic shenanigans
Received on Tue Apr 08 2003 - 12:37:00 BST