TRS-80 Madness

From: Joe <>
Date: Thu Apr 10 09:11:00 2003


  I don't have any TRS stuff except one 6000 and the model 4. You got everything else :-/ That early model I and the Holmes stuff would probably bring a GOOD price on E-bay. I do have some interesting Amiga cards. BTW can you make a copy of some of your model 4 SW for me? I could download it but I'm too lazy :-) BTW there's a hamfest in Gainsvile the weekend after Easter. It's small and probably not worth attending.


At 09:22 AM 4/10/03 -0400, you wrote:
>Hey, speaking of TRS-80 madness... I've always had it and I'm still
>looking for those rare pieces to add to my model 1, and coco3 systems like
>a voxbox, huh-8100, that digital i/o board (a tar/80???) and a ide/scsi card
>for the coco... Anyone with any of thiis and other cool gear wanna trade
>stuff for stuff?
>- Mike:
Received on Thu Apr 10 2003 - 09:11:00 BST

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