3.5" floppy drive in IBM XT?

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com>
Date: Mon Apr 14 07:19:44 2003

At 10:07 PM 4/13/03 -0700, Jim wrote:
>I have a highly original late production XT, with the 640k system board,
>720k hh floppy, 360k hh floppy, and full height IBM 20mb hard drive.
>Interesting features include a Y cable to power both floppy drives from
>the PSU connector (Y cable has black wires, and a cloth tag with IBM
>part number 6480173). Also, the 720k drive has a plain blue eject
>button. The 3.5" drives from the PS/2 series were labelled 1.44m or
>2.88m as appropriate.

   Yes, that sounds exactly like the drive in this machine.

 The 360k drive has an asterisk on it, just like
>on the optional AT 360k drive. Apparently the IBM convention for 5.25"
>drives was that if it was a full height floppy, drive then it was 360k,
>if it was a half height drive it was assumed to be 1.2M, unless it had
>an asterisk, then it was 360k.

    This 360K drive only has IBM marked on it. But I have seen a number of external drives with the asterisk on them. The X drives for the IBM P70s all seem to be marked that way.

    Thanks for the info.

Received on Mon Apr 14 2003 - 07:19:44 BST

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