Well, one of the "stores" I found was an online one. Granted, its not the GREATEST place as far as quantity and selection, but they didnt have what I was looking for either.
http://shop.store.yahoo.com/classicsoftware/clasadgam.html Another place I have been looking, and even posted a place on the "wait list" is called the "Ye Olde Infocom Shop". Its a trader who has a nice selection of items...for trade and for sale as well....and NOT all just Infocom stuff...
http://www.if-legends.org/~yois/index.php Im looking for the boxed version of Agent USA, but if someone accidentally slipped an image to me, I would not cry either...but my goal is to have the original....There is a remake out there on the abandonware scene....but I hate to tell them...it is just that...a remake....no game of 1.6mb fit on one 5.25" DSDD floppy :) Brian
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Received on Thu Apr 17 2003 - 18:17:01 BST