This one was completely dead so I've torn into it. I has two RS-232 interfaces. They're on the 2nd board from the bottom. Found a bad power switch and bad power lamp in this one. I don't know it everything is working properly but it at least makes noises now when I press various buttons. (An operator's manual would be handy about now!) It would interesting to have one with HP-IB interface! I'm thinking about putting this on the HP 1000 that I just got so HP-IB interface would be perfect. I've never even heard of a reader/punch with a HP-IB interface.
I didn't find much on the net except re-sellers that want outragous prices for their's but I did find this <>.
At 11:39 PM 4/18/03 +0200, you wrote:
>I think this is the model that I get some months ago from Germany.
>Mine has HP-IB interface, but this interface comes in a board that could
>be swapped for another one with RS-232 interface.
>I couldn't put the machine to work again by diverse reasons, but it appears
>to be in good shape (and oiled).
>Thanks and Greetings
>Best Regards
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joe" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 7:22 PM
>Subject: Help! Facit 4042 PT Reader/Punch
>> Pulled this out of deep storage this past week but it seems to be dead.
>Does anyone have any info on these? Specs, pinouts, general info, service
>info, anything?
>> Joe
Received on Fri Apr 18 2003 - 20:13:00 BST