5.25" drive identification

From: Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk>
Date: Sun Apr 20 16:25:01 2003

> I used to think that checking model number was reliable identification.
> Until I encountered a drive labelled TM 100-4, that turned out to be a
> 100-4M. It actually was a serendipitous occurence, since I had been
> having trouble finding any 100 TPI drives.

YEs. While the model number is a good guide, it's not always reliable.
Particularly not when some mad hacker (like me) has been swapping bits
between drives to configure the unit he needs. I might well move an 80
cylinder head and stepper assembly onto a chasssis that once held a 40
cylinder unit, and then not change the model number label.

The onyl way to be sure is to test the drive!

Received on Sun Apr 20 2003 - 16:25:01 BST

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