Computer Chronicles

From: John Allain <>
Date: Mon Aug 4 11:49:00 2003

Hate to report it but something that was missed back at the old
'Prelinger' thread was that 'Computer Chronicles' was cancelled
for the 2003 season. :
"The Computer Chronicles web site is now an online archive for
 the Computer Chronicles television program, which was broadcast
 nationally and internationally for twenty years, from 1982 through 2002.
 The show was the longest running and most watched television series
 on personal technology, and this archive represents the history of the
 personal computer industry. "

And fair-minded at that.
If any of you Silicon Valley people get a chance to see Stewart
Cheifet in person be sure to thank him for me/us for all those
years of information.

John A.
Just found out myself.
Received on Mon Aug 04 2003 - 11:49:00 BST

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