Saw a post on Classic

From: John Lawson <>
Date: Wed Aug 6 00:34:01 2003

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Fred Cisin wrote:

> How many posts do we get per week of people who saw something in an
> archive, and don't realize that they are posting to a mailing list?

  They seem to come in waves - sometimes there are three or four in a row
(as in recent traffic) and then, a few weeks will go by with nary a one.

 The truly sad ones are where the person didn't notice the date-stamp on
the message they are 'replying' to... and a year (or two) have elapsed in
the interim.

  A fascinatingly fragmented archeology in the making...


Received on Wed Aug 06 2003 - 00:34:01 BST

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