reading rsts 7.1 disks from OpenVMS

From: John A. Dundas III <>
Date: Tue Aug 12 18:01:00 2003

At 2:56 PM -0700 8/12/03, Antonio Carlini wrote:
>> >Openvms Exchange says that they are not DOS11 or RT11 or Files-11
>> >format.
>> >
>> >So is there anyway way for OpenVMS to mount and read these
>> disks, I've
>> >scoured the search engines and haven't come up with anything yet...
>> I hope to be proven wrong, but... I'm not aware of any
>> software to read RSTS file systems of that vintage for the VAX.
>OpenVMS VAX (but not OpenVMS Alpha) will mount ODS-1 filesystems,
>isn't that what RSTS uses or was that just RSX?

RSX. RSTS never used any such filesystem. RDS-0, RDS1 and RDS1.1.

>I also *thought* that RSTS switched, at some stage, to using a
>BACKUP format that was compatible with that used by OpenVMS.

Similar, don't know how compatible. Around the V8 or V9 timeframe. Quick
check of the docs should confirm. In V7 and prior, SAVRES.

Received on Tue Aug 12 2003 - 18:01:00 BST

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