How do you bring up a MicroVax 2000?

From: Fred N. van Kempen <>
Date: Thu Aug 28 19:01:00 2003

On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Joe wrote:

> What baud rate, parity, data bits do you use for these and do you need to
9600/8/n/1, no modem control

> press any certain key to get the system to recognize the terminal? I have
> two of these. I tried to bring them up today. The closest setting that
> seemed to work was 9600 Baud, 8N1. But all I could get on the display was
> '||PPPP'. I got exactly the same from both CPUs.
they CAN be set to something else (1200-19200) by the prev. owner..
that is all I can think of. Make sure they are set to SERIAL console
(if they have a framebuffer...) and use the correct MMJ port... lots
of info about this on ..

Received on Thu Aug 28 2003 - 19:01:00 BST

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