Neutralizing depends on the type of battery. If nothing
else gets rid of the stain, try some bleach. Experiment
a little in a hidden area first.
>From: "Philip Pemberton" <philpem_at_dsl.pipex.com>
>> time it was used - 1970s by the looks of the batteries - and they'd
>> naturally leaked all over the place.
>Ugh! Nasty :-/
>> I've tried standard Foamcleaner (anti static, natch) to remove the lovely
>> brown stuff but it's not having any of it. Any tips for removal of this
>> stuff without scratching the plastic too much?
>You could try using a bit of white vinegar, followed by isopropyl alcohol
>(90% or better preferably). The idea is, the vinegar should neutralise the
>gunk and hopefully loosen it a bit. The IPA removes any residue from the
>vinegar, along with the remains of the battery electrolyte.
>Phil. | Acorn Risc PC600 Mk3, SA202, 64MB, 6GB,
>philpem_at_dsl.pipex.com | ViewFinder, Ethernet (Acorn AEH62),
>http://www.philpem.dsl.pipex.com/ | 8xCD, framegrabber, Teletext
>Strike any user when ready.
Received on Mon Dec 01 2003 - 16:54:39 GMT