On Dec 1, 17:24, der Mouse wrote:
> > For a little while, I've been mildly surprised to see that when I
> > reply to posts, I end up generating a reply to both the list and
> > original poster. This evening I realised (yes, I'm slow :-) It's
> > cold weather :-)) that the Reply-To: header inserted by the list
> > software has been changed to include both.
> That's news to me. Here's the Reply-To: I see on your message:
Yes, that's the odd thing -- it's not *all* messages. My reply to
Witchy earlier showed the symptom, because Witchy's message had both
addresses in the Reply-To:. Yours, however, doesn't, and mine didn't.
A few others I've replied to also had two addresses, but most seem
just to have the list address.
I wonder if some people are mailing the list with a Reply-To: already
set, and the new version of mailman is adding to it instead of
replacing it?
Witchy? Did your message have a Reply-To: when you sent it?
> Something else must be responsible. Maybe something is mangling the
> Reply-To: on its way to you, or maybe your user agent is sending to
> From: address as well as the Reply-To: address....
No, it's the Reply-To: header, and not mangled by anything here.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Mon Dec 01 2003 - 17:22:18 GMT