> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org
> [mailto:cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of Pete Turnbull
> Sent: 01 December 2003 21:37
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> Subject: Re: leaky batteries!
> I guess it depends on what the brown stuff is, and where it is. On the
> case? You could try soaking it in something mildly alkaline, like
> washing soda, or in sugar soap solution, and see if it softens it. Is
> this a deposit on the surface, or has it combined with the plastic? So
> long as it's not actually reacted with the plastic, I find Flash is
> pretty good. A small bucket of hot water with a dollop of Flash, and a
> cloth, is my weapon of choice for cables and metal/plastic cases.
Thanks for all the suggestions folks. Fortunately the gunk is all inside the
battery compartment and didn't get onto the outside of the case or damage
the box. If you remember what happened to 1970s Ever Ready batteries then
that's what's leaked out :)
I'll post some pix when I find the digicam!
Stuff I have: Isopropyl Alcohol and various kitchen cleaning products, so
I'll try those first. Now where did I put that elbow grease?
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Received on Wed Dec 03 2003 - 03:23:45 GMT