leaky batteries!

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com>
Date: Tue Dec 2 13:16:39 2003

At 01:38 PM 12/2/03 -0500, you wrote:
>> [...] a product called "Lime-Away". [...] The main ingediant is
>> phosphoric acid
>How cheap is it?

   I bought a 28 oz bottle at Walmart a couple of weeks ago. I think it was
about $3.79. 28ozs will last a LONG time. I used the stuff four or five
times/day when I was working on calculators (and used occasionally around
the house) and one bottle lasted for a couple of years. (PS also found that
it good for cleaning china and silver ware.)

 How does it compare to Coke, in particular?

   Coke doesn't even come close! The next best thing that I found was
Hydrogen Peroxide. The normal 3% solution works (somewhat) but I have a
neighbor that is a hair dresser and she gave me some that she says is 30%
and it works much better. However I don't think it's anywhere close to 30%.
I once threw a grain of Potassium Permanganate in about 1/4" of 30% H2O2
and I KNOW how reactive it can be! I think the stuff that she has is
actually about 5 or 10%.

  Coke has
>sugar and caffiene mixed in, but also has a good deal of phosophoric
>acid in it.

   I don't think coke has but a trace of phosphoric acid. I think the main
ingrediant (besides water) is carbonic acid (CO2 and water). Phosphorus is
some NASTY stuff. It's used in rat poison and I've seen the skeletons of
animals that have ingested it. It causes the bones to litterally crumble
away. I do my best not to get it on my skin and I always rinse VERY well
after using it.

 (I'm assuming, of course, plenty of water rinse

   Yes. The liguid stuff rinses away with no trouble. FWIW, I'd rather use
ANYTHING than a product containing sugar. I've seen too many gummed up
keybaords from spilled Coke and coffee. Sugar can be surprisingly hard to

   BTW phosphoric acid is widely used by janitorial services for cleaning.
I don't know the exact strength of the stuff they use but I think it's
pretty strong. If you know somebody in that trade you might be able to get
some from them and try it. If you do, I'd like to know how it works.


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