100MFD 55V

From: vrs <vrs_at_msn.com>
Date: Thu Dec 4 12:23:12 2003

> The capacitors you're talking about are the "motor run" capacitors for
> the motors. There is a difference between them and motor start
> capacitors. Motor start capacitors (as the name implies) are used for
> starting (large HP) AC motors. They create a phase shift in the current
> across the windings so that the motor will actually start. They are
> intended to be used only while the motor is starting rotation. I'm less
> clear about motor run capacitors, but they are used while the motor is
> in operation. In either case they are definitely *not* polarized.

Here is my problem with the claim that a couple of people have made, that
these are "motor run" caps: They are clearly filled with paste, not oil (as
some has been forced out through the emergency vent hole), and they seem to
be marked with a "-" near one of the solder lugs. That strongly suggests to
me that these are electrolytic "motor start" capacitors.

Am I missing something?

Received on Thu Dec 04 2003 - 12:23:12 GMT

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