Necessary rant

From: Ed <>
Date: Fri Dec 5 17:09:24 2003

Oracle 10g can do that.

Basically you can do a flashback of a database or a table to a point in history.


Patrick Rigney wrote:
> > Who's the asshole that decided an UPDATE command in SQL without a WHERE
> > clause defaults to ALL?
> > </RANT>
> Ouch. Same for DELETE by the way.
> This may be a good opportunity to pick up the thread about MySQL and other
> databases. :-)
> One of the things that mission-critical-appropriate databases provide, IMHO,
> is a running transaction log or similar mechanism that facilitates not only
> transaction management and rollback, but also backup and recovery up to a
> point in time. I'm pretty sure MySQL doesn't offer this. Does anyone know
> if PostgreSQL does?
> Patrick

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Unix Lives! M$ Windows is rommel! | Wie mij te na komt zal het weten.
'97 TL1000S                       |
Received on Fri Dec 05 2003 - 17:09:24 GMT

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