On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 14:35, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, David Holland wrote:
> > Probably "PR#2", and "IN#2" (Presuming of course the SS card is in
> > slot 2. (No, I can't remember the correct order though, so you
> > may be typing blind)
> IN#2 will hook the input vector to the serial card so that incoming data
> can be input as if from the keyboard. In this case you only need PR#2
> since you want to "PRint" to slot #2 (the Super Serial Card, i.e. data out
> only).
Yah, your coorect. My AppleSoft/A2 knowledge is _very_ rusty anymore.
> > Speaking of A2 file transfers, anyone know how to get a A2-GS
> > on a CAT-5 ethernet network? (And roughly how much it'd costs?)
> > For file transfers, Serial tends to be too flakey, and slow
> > for my tastes.
> You definitely want to get an Apple ][ Workstation card and connect to a
> Mac over AppleTalk, and then go ethernet from the Mac to whatever. Was
> there ever an ethernet card for the Apple ][?
That'd involve buying a Macintosh, which unless its big enough to run
OSX/*BSD I'm not all that interested in doing. (Unless of course
someone has a free one they want to give away. :-) )
There is this thing:
However, I believe they wanted something like 150$ for it. (More than I
was really wanting to pay)
If I remember correctly, somewhere there's a FCC application from Apple
for a A2 ethernet device, but I think the project got canned before the
boards saw the light of day.
> > I've Linux, Solaris, IRIX, and (unfortunately) Windoze handy. No
> > Macintoshes though.
> Check out Contiki:
> http://www.dunkels.com/adam/contiki/
> I have no idea if the TCP/IP stack works on the Apple ][ at this point.
There's also Marinetti for the A2-GS/GSOS for a TCP/IP stack:
I purchased a CFFA card (
http://dreher.net/CFforAppleII/ ) for the IIgs
a while ago. So basically I now have 128Mb "floppy disks" for the
My plan was:
1) Get ProDOS & GS/OS on the CFFA/IIgs via Serial.
2) Get AppleTalk/Ethernet into the IIgs.
3) Transfer disk images via ethernet to the CFFA card.
4) Write ProDOS/GSOS program to write disk image back out to 5.25"
floppies. (Presuming the programs themselves aren't already
ProDOS/GSOS compatible)
TCP/IP doesn't sound really all that necessary in this scenario.
I suppose thinking about it I could code up something in Linux that'd
let me plop the stuff I needed directly on a Compact Flash card via my
USB 6-in-1 reader, but that isn't as interesting to me as putting my
IIgs "on the net".
Its step #2 that's giving me the hard part, as I don't know exactly what
what little bits of hardware I need to translate ethernet->localtalk(?)
(It is my understanding there's already localtalk ports on the back of a
Step #4 could be hard too, but I used to know A2's pretty well, I'm sure
I could refresh much of those rusty bits of memory.
I've gotten as far as getting ProDOS to boot off the CFFA, then I
started looking around for ethernet connectivity, and gotten no further.
Received on Thu Dec 11 2003 - 18:13:40 GMT