So far, the help file doesn't appear to help.
>On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Bob Brown wrote:
> > Ok...I'm looking into the ADT route using apple oasis.
>A fine choice.
> > It looks like the 'Apple II disk manager' is the portion of apple ][ oasis
> > that I'd use to pull the text files out of my apple disk images and into
> > windows (for porting to hp200), is that right?
> > I'm a bit lost in the apple II disk manager interface. There is reference
> > to 'associations' and conversions.
>I assume they are referring to file associations (i.e. how can that file
>be opened? with WinWord? Excel? What?)
> > If I drill down in the file manager portion of the screen to a DSK image,
> > and see a file that I want to pull into windows, how do I do it?
>I've never used the software so I don't know. Don't they have a help
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Harper Community College ## ## ## Systems Administrator
Palatine IL USA #### #### Saved by grace
Received on Fri Dec 12 2003 - 12:02:44 GMT