Building a PDP-11 for the first time

From: Jochen Kunz <>
Date: Fri Dec 12 13:08:45 2003

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 10:32:27 -0700
emanuel stiebler <> wrote:

> the 11/73 is a double, the 11/83 is a quad size board, 11/83 has also
> PMI, and was at the beginning a 15 MHz.
AFAIK that M8192 dual /73 CPU board was never used in DEC machines. It
was targeted to the OEM market or to replace the dual /23 board used in
embedded systems. The DEC /73 used the same CPU board as the /83 or /84
but with slower QBus RAM instead of PMI RAM and possibly slower CPU (15
MHz vs. 18 MHz). At least that is the information I found when I got my
hands on two of the M8192 "/73" CPU boards.
Received on Fri Dec 12 2003 - 13:08:45 GMT

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