Ok...next step..I've got my apple iie out and am trying to use ADT to
transfer the files.
I got the ADT BASIC and machine-langugge program to transfer over ok (had
to put in more delay than the doc said though).
Now when I connect, I ALWAYS get it to start transferring and then ALWAYS
end up with:
Track $00, sector $F: bad CRC
I am using a genuine SSC in my apple. SInc
since the comm set up worked to get the ADT stuff to apple, I thought it
would work ok the other way (thought
though, if it helps, when I got the comms working, I would trype on my pc
and it would show up great on my apple, but it would show up as garbage on
my pc.
What should/could I do now to get these communications working? (I feel
like I'm sooooo close)!!
On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Bob Brown wrote:
> > I see how I can drag a pc file onto the 'dsk' image and it puts it
> > in, but I still can't see how get something
> > on the apple .dsk file (for example, the hello program), and get it
> > out of the .dsk file and into the regular
> > windows filesystem where windows-apps can get to it.
> I assume you've tried double-clicking on the .dsk image icon to see if it
> pulls up a directory? Again, I haven't used the program so I wouldn't no,
> but it would seem logical.
> If I get some time this weekend I'll play around with it.
> --
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
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Received on Sat Dec 13 2003 - 17:37:04 GMT