> I was recently given an Olivetti luggable.
> http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/gallante/olivetti.html links to a page on the
> same model machine.
> With a bit of work the system is running well, it has cleaned up really
> well and looks to have been lightly used at best. The insides were VERY
> clean considering its age and the conditions it had been stored
> in. There is
> no burn on the CRT and the display is clear and crisp. :)
What is the name of this machine ? And what is the exact model number ? (on
the rear, like XP xxxx
I have some friends that have worked in Olivetti for years, can ask more
Alberto Rubinelli Mail : alberto_at_a2sistemi.it
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Received on Mon Dec 15 2003 - 03:02:50 GMT