Apple 14" RGB Monitors - $8
Power Mac 6100 w/RAM, HD - $10
Power Mac 7100 w/RAM, HD - $15
IBM System/23 - $25
(both a tower and a desktop model; boots up and can read directory from
included 8" disk)
1950 Crosley TV & plate-shaped antenna - $65
(missing the 2 knobs, but otherwsie nice. untested)
Like this one: <>
IBM PC Jr and monitor, in box, with some manuals and disks
IBM Selectric II
Royal typewriter
14" Mac monitor (the cheap Performa kind)
14" NEC PC Monitor
Apple Imagewriter II printers
Apple Imagewriter I printer(s?)
Power Mac 6100's, no RAM, no HD
Power Mac 7100's, no RAM no HD
Pick-up in York, PA required for most everything. A few may ship. Pick-
up in Easton, PA potentially workable.
PC of Pentium I/II/III capabilities
macro lense for an old Nikon SLR
Received on Tue Dec 16 2003 - 09:35:51 GMT