Apple Localtalk adapter with DB25

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Tue Dec 16 17:44:33 2003

> > There did exist LocalTalk cards for PCs, but they used either a DE9
> > or a mini-DIN 8 connector.
> I have one of these. I looked at the rudimentary support for it for
> Linux and put it back on the shelf. It has a Z8530 and the same level
> drivers as a Mac Plus (and a DE9).

I have one for my games 486. It was easier to set up than Ethernet, so
with a little bit of SETVER hacking, it co-exists with DOS 6.22 and happily
shares files with the rest of the AppleTalk network over a Dayna

---------------------------------- personal: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA *
-- Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes? -- Groucho Marx ---------
Received on Tue Dec 16 2003 - 17:44:33 GMT

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