Searchings for the new year

From: SP <>
Date: Wed Dec 17 10:26:10 2003

I have time, some money and some space in home available to begin
one project I had from time ago: to compound one collection of Unix
or Unix-like workstations and machines. At the beginning, I should like to
locate one AT&T 3Bx and one Sun/3, with documentation and software if
possible, and a reasonable number of diverse peripherals and/or storage.

Other machines like Vax, Microvax, PDP, Dec Professional, Intergraph,
etc, would be velcome, but the prices that some people want for them
make impossible to close any accord. In fact, to get one Alpha
workstation cost the same money actually in some resellers and inside

European area is preferred, but I am open to receive items from USA
depending of the size, weigth, etc.

Not for inmediate getting (I must solve some matters pending) but I am
open to discuss and even close some treat in advance.

Contact off-list, please.

Thanks and Greetings
Received on Wed Dec 17 2003 - 10:26:10 GMT

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