Time for me to chime in here...
> As for the "big bad corporation" I've been on the receiving end of
> corporate mentality for too long, what with downsizing, outsourcing,
> backstabbing, bogus stock offers, illegal dealings and promises of
> riches if i'd only put in 80 Hr weeks. Corporations exist to make
> money,not to "preserve" equipment, jobs or anything else.
Sounds like someone's been burned one too many times. Look, if you can't
beat 'em (and you never will) then join 'em: start your own corporation!
> It's rather disingenous to include NASA with some of the largest
> corporations in the US, I was just saying that you should get the most
> $$$ from an operation like veritus.
That goes without saying. But I think it was fairly obvious to anyone who
read the original message that it was a corporate data center of concern.
That being said, I don't encourage gouging no matter who is being gouged.
However, there's nothing wrong with charging what the market will bear.
There's a difference. If the gougee knows they're being gouged, they'll
find someone else.
> How are my questions any different than the broiling the chip collector
> received??
Thanks. I think you just conjured up the "John Galt" wraith. I'm sure
we'll be hearing from goober any minute now.
But anyway, do you really want to drag THAT issue up again? Aside from
the fact that it's a total non sequitur, I really don't see the value in
doing so.
Look, I hate Big Oil as much as the next guy (probably more so), but
there's no reason to turn down good money. You can go so far as to
spearhead a campaign to make sure no vintage computer enthusiast will ever
help any big, evil corporate data center, but there will always be
someone, somewhere, who hasn't signed the oath of loyalty, and they'll
profit handsomely from it.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
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Received on Fri Dec 19 2003 - 14:21:33 GMT