Thank you all for the replys....
Just discovered a software that claims to read Apple
II disks (and other formats too) using a normal PC
without no extra hardware (except for with 2 disk
drives, 1 must be 5,25)!!! . Have not tested it yet,
since I didn't found my old drives....
There's the link.... it's really interestint !!!
To Grumpy Ol' Fred:
> -Apple Turnover card;
Out of business, never worked very well. SOMEWHERE, I
have several crates of DEAD ones.
Don't you want to sell 2 or 3 pieces of those deads
cards ???
> Quadlink were entire Apple][ clones on a
PC ISA card. Do they have software for file transfer?
(NOTE: on a sample size of ~50, we had >75% DOA rate
on the Quadlink.'We received several that had
connectors misinstalled, that could not have
ever been tested. We had a comparable DOA rate on the
replacement units, indicating that they never did ANY
I'm interested in the Quadlink card too, if you still
have any of them....
Silvio Finotti
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