Older IDE drives

From: TRASH3_at_splab.cas.neu.edu <(TRASH3_at_splab.cas.neu.edu)>
Date: Mon Dec 22 10:59:06 2003

Try also amateur radio clubs, as they typically have "old" equipment,
including computers (for packet radio), and computer flea markets, if
there are any near you. Here in Boston there is a monthly electronics
and computer flea market at MIT monthly during warmer weather. I myself
am a packrat and have probably a half dozen under 500 MB and another
half dozen up to 4 GB. If you can't find a local one, pay shipping
and a few bucks for my time and I'll send out a couple.

Joe Heck
Received on Mon Dec 22 2003 - 10:59:06 GMT

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