Unix Wprowadzenie

From: Zane H. Healy <healyzh_at_aracnet.com>
Date: Mon Dec 22 15:42:30 2003

> I've got a copy of Unix Wprowadzenie that I'd like to find a good home
> for. I don't read Polish, but it looks like this is a book about Unix
> basics? It's an O'Reilly book and the cover has an owl on it. The ISBN
> is 83-7197-672-0. Amazon.com comes up empty on that.

If you can figure out which O'Reilly book has an Owl on it, you should be
able to figure out what book it is....

Actually I just pulled my old copy of "sed & awk" off the shelf and flipped
through the back of it. It looks like you probably have a Polish copy of
"Learning the UNIX Operating System".

And, no, I don't want it :^)

Received on Mon Dec 22 2003 - 15:42:30 GMT

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