FYI, the VAXstation has been taken (a few times over)...
On Monday 29 December 2003 19:24, Patrick Finnegan wrote:
> I'm trying to turn my apartment back into an apartment, instead of
> the warehouse of machines it currently is... so I'm trying to get rid
> of some of my machines that i've got multiple of, or no longer have
> any real interest in.
> Here's a list of what I'm offering. I'll be putting more stuff on
> eBay (userid: pfinnegan) but it's mostly going to be OT machines.
> Also, I purchased an MMJ crimper and a bag of MMJ ends... in order to
> help subsidize it, i'm offering length-to-spec MMJ cables. If anyone
> is interested, I'm asking $5 per cable for up to 20ft plus shipping
> ($3.85 for Priority Mail). If you want multiple cables, ask me and
> we can work out a deal. I can also do MMJ to RJ45 cables, but won't
> do RJ45 to RJ45's... network cables are cheap enough.
> Now, the list:
> + IBM RS/6000 410: 80MHz PPC601, 2GB HDD, 32MB RAM, CDROM, graphics
> card (13W3 connector), 2.88MB floppy drive
> $15 + shipping
> + IBM RS/6000 410: 80MHz PPC601, 2GB HDD, 64MB RAM, CDROM, graphics
> card (13W3 connector), 2.88MB floppy drive
> $20 + shipping
> On both of the above machines, I don't have the key, but I've removed
> the pins from the locks so they can be operated with "anything"...
> + Sun SparcStation 5, 70MHz, 96MB ram, CDROM, floppy, 2GB HDD, CG6
> 501-2981 narrow scsi/10BaseT ethernet card
> $10 + shipping
> + Sun SparcStation 5, 85MHz, 128MB ram, CDROM, floppy, 2GB HDD, CG6
> 501-2981 narrow scsi/10BaseT ethernet card
> $15 + shipping
> + Sun SparcStation 5, 85MHz, 128MB ram, floppy, 2GB HDD, CG6,
> 501-2981 narrow scsi/10BaseT ethernet card
> $20 + shipping
> + DEC DECstation 5000/200: R3000/25MHz, 40MB ram, PMAG-B framebuffer
> $10 + shipping
> + DEC DECstation 5000/240: R3400/40MHz, 64MB ram, PMAGB-B framebuffer
> $15 + shipping
> + DEC 3000/300LX: 125MHz 61064 Alpha, 32MB RAM, 4GB HDD
> $20 + shipping
> + DEC 3000/300: 150MHz 61064 Alpha, 64MB RAM, 4GB HDD
> $25 + shipping
> + DEC VAXstation 3100 m38: 2 memory boards (16-24MB ram), 500MB HDD,
> OpenVMS 7.2 installed (Hobbyist version from Montagar)
> $15 + shipping
> + 4x"MBR Systems, Inc" S-100 systems - various CPU, RAM, some A/D
> cards, a video/keyboard interface card, in a 4-5U rackmount case with
> the keyboard mounted on the front. Most have 40-48kB ram and some
> EPROMs shoved into a 64kB static ram card.
> $20 ea + shipping
> + SGI IRIS 4D/80 (030-0122 / IP4.5) CPU board with 16MB ram - I no
> longer had the room for the machine, so it went away and I kept the
> cpu and some VME cards from it.
> $5 + shipping
> + 24x"66 block" telephone connection blocks wired together as 100x2
> connections... I picked these up pretty cheaply for no good reason
> : ) 3 for $5 + shipping
> I prefer shipping via FEDEX, is from zip 47906. I'll take payment
> via PayPal or Check... I'll give you the address when you ask me for
> the item (if you've won it).
> If you prefer to trade me something for the above, here's what I'm
> looking for:
> + Unibus (w/toggles) PDP-11 (this is worth multiple items, of
> course... I'd probably even be willing to pay something for this)
> + Parts for above PDP-11
> + Seagate ST-251 and ST-225 hard drives (working)
> + DEC RL02 disk packs (non-red shock indicator)
> + KA-660 CPU board and cab kit for a vax 4k/200 (S-handles)
> Pat
Purdue University ITAP/RCS
Information Technology at Purdue
Research Computing and Storage
Received on Mon Dec 29 2003 - 21:53:28 GMT