On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 05:11, Philip Pemberton wrote:
> In message <1072804982.2252.24.camel_at_linux.local>
> Paul Berger <sanepsycho_at_globaldialog.com> wrote:
> > Does anybody om this list have an idea what's happened with the EXEC-PC
> > BBS?
> The one that live{s/d} at telnet://bbs.execpc.com ?
Same one.
I contacted some people at CoreComm and found somebody there and they
said that the system was shutdown indefinitely and there were no plans
reviving it seeing there was trouble keeping it running.
I just about gave up but decided to thow a an e-mail at Curt Shambeau's
old execpc.com e-mail address. I was supprised to receive a reply by
Curt, one of the orginals from ExecPC, and received a reply that he is
in the process of relocating the BBS in his basement and plans on having
it back up in January. Apparently he's too fond of the 20yr old BBS to
let it die.
He may be crazy keeping it running, but he's my sort of crazy.
> I'm not going to say "yes", but from my viewpoint it certainly looks that
> way. If it has died then I'd suggest someone contacts ExecPC to assess the
> prospects of buying the machine and the data stored on its hard drive(s). If
> someone wants to resurrect ExecPC, I'd be happy to mirror the filebase on one
> of my servers - I *know* there's a spare 8GB drive around here somewhere...
>From my memory there were 30-40GB of files & messages on it. I did get
ahold of some knowlegable people at Core and they said most the files
were transferred to filepile.com, but that filepile no-longer exists.
> Personally, I'd like to know what happened to the guy who wrote the "ASPHYXIA
> VGA Trainer" series. He went by the handle "Denthor" and usually signed each
> message off as "Grant Smith". There were two BBSes that hosted the VGA
> Trainer, IIRC - the Connectix BBS and the "ASPHYXIA BBS", both in .za IIRC.
> I've got articles #1-#21, but not #22 :(
> Unfortunately the long-distance charges to .za would be a little prohibitive
> just to see if a BBS was still alive. If anyone's interested, there were two
> phone numbers for the BBS - +27-31-765-5312 and +27-31-765-6293. Connectix
> was +27-31-266-9992.
I would like to get ahold of the creator of XFS NFS client for DOS to
see if he would like to make it public domain or better yet release the
source under some sort of Open Source Licence (BSD, GPL, whatever).
Received on Wed Dec 31 2003 - 09:54:10 GMT