Another Year Gone By...

From: John Allain <>
Date: Wed Dec 31 13:42:28 2003

> It's a good time of year to resolve to save yourself ...

I just read from an outside source that the end of the year in
Japan is the time of the traditional "oh-souji" or Big Cleaning,
time to re-organize for the new year.... do be.

Oddly, from another source, Today by coincidence, I heard
the story of people who are "Collyer"s or overcollectors...
don't be. ( interesting article on the subject )

Anyway, throw out a few things out, be organized, be happy.

John A.

some free items to the list:
   spare Microvax 3400
   IBM PS/2 m30
   DEC VRT16-DA monitor.
Received on Wed Dec 31 2003 - 13:42:28 GMT

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