Don't get me wrong, I'm a big NASA fan. But if you look at number of
flights or flight hours against losses, it's far worse than the commercial
airline industry. Granted, it's a lot more complex, but if we're going to
sling just numbers around with no adjustment for risk factors, etc...
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On
> Behalf Of Ed Tillman
> Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 08:39
> To:
> Subject: Re: Columbia
> ...for that matter, only 2 complete craft/crew losses for the shuttle
> program in over 20 years; and including these, only *3*
> complete craft/crew
> losses in a space program that's run for nearly 35 years?
> That's still a
> damned good record in anyone's book, regardless of what the
> detractors may
> say... Name me an aircraft or series of aircraft who can
> make the same
> claim. (Noogies for the person who can name the *1* airliner
> that comes
> closest to beating this record...)
> Cheers...
> Ed
> San Antonio, Tx, USA
> From: "chris" <>
> > >I do feel for the astronaut's families, and in almost
> equal measure for
> the
> > >future of humanity in space. We have *got* to find a better way of
> getting
> > >in and out of the gravity well.
> >
> > As sick as it seems... these kind of accidents are exactly
> what brings
> > about the safer ways of doing things.
> >
> > Nearly all safety measures we as society have for everything can be
> > traced back to someone (or many someones) being injured or killed.
> >
> >
> > -chris
> > <>
Received on Sun Feb 02 2003 - 09:14:00 GMT