OT: RoadRunner Blacklisted, Blocking Bounce Messages! (Michael Sokolov)

From: loedman1_at_juno.com <(loedman1_at_juno.com)>
Date: Sun Feb 2 13:03:00 2003

>The class action suit should of course be against the blockers. We
really need
>a law that guarantees penalties for spamblockers 10 times greater than
>for spammers. If you send spam, you get 1 year in prison. If you assault
>open relay operator, mangle E-mail addresses, or do anything else to
>the Classic Computing tradition, you should get 10 years in prison. If a
>spammer gets 5 years in prison, spamblockers must get 50 years.

Excuse me ? Perhaps we should all forward all of our spam, porn and
otherwise, to you.
Please provide a valid address so we may do so.

 Rich Stephenson
Received on Sun Feb 02 2003 - 13:03:00 GMT

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