
From: Sellam Ismail <>
Date: Sun Feb 2 23:49:00 2003

On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, Eric Dittman wrote:

> > > ...for that matter, only 2 complete craft/crew losses for the shuttle
> > > program in over 20 years; and including these, only *3* complete craft/crew
> > > losses in a space program that's run for nearly 35 years? That's still a
> > > damned good record in anyone's book, regardless of what the detractors may
> > > say... Name me an aircraft or series of aircraft who can make the same
> > > claim. (Noogies for the person who can name the *1* airliner that comes
> > > closest to beating this record...)
> >
> > Southwest Airlines.
> Southwest Airlines is an airline, not airliner. He was asking
> for a model of passenger airplane.

Got it. But they still have the best commercial record of any (US-based
at least) airline ;)

Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger

 * Old computing resources for business and academia at *
Received on Sun Feb 02 2003 - 23:49:00 GMT

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