On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Fred N. van Kempen wrote:
> Given the volume of the list, and the many off-topic (lets not discuss
> what is and is not on-topic here) talk, I would like to propose [again]
> that we do like other lists do: insert a tag [cctalk] in the Subject:
> line of the postings, so it's easy to distinguis the postings from
> other, perhaps more pressing e-mail.
> I don't want to start Yet Another Discussion, a mere vote would do, as
> we're all techies who know what this is about.
As long as the tag is placed AFTER the subject text then I have no issue.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
* Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
Received on Tue Feb 04 2003 - 11:53:00 GMT