Rumor has it that Fred N. van Kempen may have mentioned these words:
>Although this has come up a few times already, I am going to bring it
>up again. Come kick my butt if you don't like it :)
Awrighty -- I got my Size 9.5(US) Lacrosse Icemans on right now... ;-)
<thud> Wham. Wham. Wham. Wham. Wham.
-- Ascii representation of the sound of a dead horse getting
beaten once again... :-(
>Given the volume of the list, and the many off-topic (lets not discuss
>what is and is not on-topic here) talk, I would like to propose [again]
>that we do like other lists do: insert a tag [cctalk] in the Subject:
>line of the postings, so it's easy to distinguis the postings from
>other, perhaps more pressing e-mail.
Not just no... *Hell no*...
>Selecting/filtering based on sender address doesn't work well for all
>clients, and depends on the ability to use processing rules in the
>first place.
Then filter on the headers! It's not that hard...
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These are all unique headers to this list. Any MUA worth its salt can
filter on any one of these... even some not worth it, like LookOut Hexpress...
>As said, most lists out there already use this technique, it's been
>accepted more or less as a standard, so can we *please* use something
>like this ?
Accepted by whom? All but one of the lists I'm on *don't do this* (not to
mention the ones I admin) and the one that did I disliked, and unsubbed as
soon as a better list was available... And this is a "standard" just like
HTML email is currently a "standard" - it's not even compatible with
itself, and in all, it's just a plain bad idea... IMH-But-SysAdmin-Based-O...
>I don't want to start Yet Another Discussion, a mere vote would do, as
>we're all techies who know what this is about.
That sounds like the beginning of a 2-hour-pissing-match I had with my
father-in-law a *long* time ago... "I'm not saying this because you don't
want to become an auctioneer..."
In all fairness, if it were a *user configurable* option, I wouldn't give a
whit, so long as I could turn it off... otherwise, you know my vote... but
how many times do we have to vote on this, anyway???
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????
Received on Tue Feb 04 2003 - 13:41:01 GMT