I needed to do the same and so I made my own adapter. In my case, I
needed a PLCC32 to DIP to burn a 32Kx8 PLCC OTP PROM, so I took
a 28 pin machine socket and wired it to a thru-hole 32 pin PLCC socket.
Here is a pic:
Yes, you can certainly buy adapters like this (only more professional)
from most of the companies that make programmers, but they are pretty
pricey -- probably $100+.
At 11:49 AM 2/4/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>I am needing to burn PLCC-packaged chips in my DIP programmer. I
>expect I need to locate a PLCC<->DIP adapter of the right size
>(for 29C010 and 28F101 Flash chips, at the moment). Thinking about it
>made me wonder if any of the sockets were ZIF or LIF.
>Any ideas? Any recommendation on a source for adapters?
Received on Tue Feb 04 2003 - 14:20:01 GMT