WD Development boards (was Re: 6502 fans - the SBC-2 is about to have another run - order boards now!)

From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu Feb 6 17:45:01 2003

--- Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_mch20.sbs.de> wrote:
> > (Whoops... let's try that again with the editing *finished* this
> time...
> :)
> > For those who haven't been to http://65c02.tripod.com/ , the SBC-2
> > is a single-board 6502...
> Well, a fairly simple standard configuration.

Simple and inexpensive.

> When looking for a uptoday board, one should also considere the
> development boards from WDC.

Very nice. Any idea how much they cost? (Their link is broken).

If I were doing a one-off and my time were *much* more important
than the hardware cost, those products look sweet. Much of what
I do, however, is for the joy of it, and to be cash-stingy and
time-lavish, I don't know that I'll ever use one of those.

Hmm... I wonder if there's enough room on those to implement a
PDP-8 peripheral? ;-)

Received on Thu Feb 06 2003 - 17:45:01 GMT

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