FS: Acorn System I Microcontroller Kit (Cambridge, UK)

From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Thu Feb 6 18:52:00 2003

Seen on cam.misc usenet group (Cambridge, UK) - I have no connection with the
seller, so email them directly if interested.



From: Alan Bain (afrb2_at_statslab.cam.ac.uk)
Subject: FS: Acorn System I Microcontroller Kit
Newsgroups: ucam.adverts.forsale.computer, ucam.societies.cucps, cam.misc
Date: 2003-02-06 02:58:03 PST

ACORN system I 6502 Microcontroller kit as shipped from Acorn in a box
full of packing beads. Never assembled, so time to get out your glue
can and build it yourself.

Kit contains 1 PCB (Issue 3 200000) Dates from 1980
1 Bag of components
1 Bag of ICs (incl SY6502 and the hard to find INS8154D,
you were supposed to supply the others yourself -- presumably
desoldered from dead boards) and a load of IC sockets.

1 Schematic Diagram

I can almost certainly also locate a copy of the construction manual
writen from Acorn's Market Square Address, most likely an original!

Reasonable Offers (maybe around 40 pounds but no reasonable offer

Alan Bain
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Received on Thu Feb 06 2003 - 18:52:00 GMT

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