On 2003.02.07 16:53 Antonio Carlini wrote:
> Then check on the net to see which have already been scanned
> (start at everything pointed to by http://www.decdocs.org).
BTW: I have a scan of the "KA680 CPU Module Technical Manual
EK-KA680-TM-001" (VAX4000-500 CPU) Individual G4 compressed TIFFs in a
tar.bz2 or PDF (ca. 20MB each). I tried to contact the "Curator" of
"The DFWCUG Historical CPU Preservation Society" to submit it to but the mail bounced
with a SMTP error. Is there an other contact address besides opcom at
vmsone dot com?
I will also contact MrBill from decdocs.org and Tim Shoppa
http://scandocs.trailing-edge.com/) and ask if they are interrested to
put it online...
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Fri Feb 07 2003 - 12:22:00 GMT