WANTED: RA7x Enclosure/Operator Ctrl. Panel

From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat Feb 8 08:24:00 2003

--- John Willis <jwillis_at_arielusa.com> wrote:
> Wanted: RA7x Enclosure/Operator Ctrl. Panel

Are these things common/rare? Absolutely required or are they just
very nice to have? I have a couple of RA70 drives I got in a box
with some KDA50s. Was going to put them in my BA123 with a KA630
processor. Haven't had the chance - still using a pair of RD54s.

So... has anyone tried to put RA7X drives in a CPU (not disk)
enclosure? If I'm hosed, then I guess I'm in the market for
a drive enclosure, too (unless there's some way to hack up an
old AT-style tower case...)

Received on Sat Feb 08 2003 - 08:24:00 GMT

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