> OTOH, I agree that the Palm makes a nice hacking platform - 160x160
> screen (nicer than most affordable external LCD displays, and I have
> several!), built-in serial, 68K instruction set, megs of RAM... I
> can write stuff at the app level for it, but I have no idea how you'd
> go about writing stuff for it at the bare-metal level. I'd hate to
> hose the PalmOS flash - dunno if there's a way to get it back without
> building your own external re-Flasher (in the case of the IIIs and older
> that *have* removable SIMMs).
I've seen a security system in a couple of the local Home Depots
or Lowe's (can't remember which) that used a Palm. You can only
see the LCD, but that's enough to tell.
Eric Dittman
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/
Received on Sat Feb 08 2003 - 22:46:01 GMT