CDs and the rights thereto
>Ok, here's a scenario. What if I find a small stack of original audio
>CDs? They were up for grabs in a "FREE" box at the ACCRC. I took them.
>Since I didn't pay for them, should I not have them?
I once bid on a pile of junk in the corner of an auction, and turned out
under a layer of misc there was a full pallet of cases of spindles of CDs
for some current commercial software. About 20,000 CDs, no jewel boxes, but
many boxes of the paper inserts, just I am sure no legal right to sell or
distribute them. Sure looked pretty in the 40' roll off dumpster we tossed
them all in.
Its not unusual in the auction arena to find manufactured goods that carry
no rights with them, production overruns, defects, contract problems, and
number one maybe is the manufacturer goes belly up and everything in the
plant is sold off including production inventory.
BTW yeah yeah, maybe I would do differently now, but at the time I had no
space for the stuff I did take and thought was better. It was 5 days of
little sleep, and lots and lots of loading and sorting.
Received on Mon Feb 10 2003 - 07:09:00 GMT
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