Electrolytic cap "protection"

From: ben franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Mon Feb 10 12:50:00 2003

Bryan Pope wrote:
> Hey all,
> Awhile ago there was a thread about electrolytic capacitors popping and
> then destroying the motherboard they are on. One of the ideas was to
> replace them before they go.
> Now I was wondering about another idea... Would it be okay to encase
> the capacitor in silicone gel? Then when the capacitor pops, it wouldn't
> spread its electrolyte all over the motherboard.
> But would this cause other problems with heat or something? Would it
> further shorten the life of the capacitor?

Also chlorine as found in water, can distroy caps very quickly if got
inside. Ben.
Received on Mon Feb 10 2003 - 12:50:00 GMT

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