Who here has a Planar ELT-320?

From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue Feb 11 07:46:00 2003

--- Ken Seefried <ken_at_seefried.com> wrote:
> I've got a couple of ELT-320s. The PS brick says Model PSA-124, input
> 110v-240v_at_1.5A, output 12v_at_4.2A.

Woof! That's beefier than I expected. The data sheet says that it
draws 25W for which I expected a 2.5A - 3.0A PSU. I have a couple
of unboxed switching supplies that are 12V-only (eliminating the
problem of PeeCee supplies and dummy loads)... probably start there.
It'll be nice to get a semi-portable supply of some kind, though. I
want to haul this thing to the servers in a laptop case.

> Hmmm...I'm in on the sbc6120. I was actually thinking of building it
> into a terminal case...

Plenty of room in a VT-100... kinda like a DECmate I. I was thinking
of rackmounting my second one in a 1U case - I have these old DEC 12U
(21" tall) formica-topped enclosures that originally came with PDP-11s
in them (11/03 + RX01) Plenty of room for anything else I'd want, and
a place to put the terminal on top.

Received on Tue Feb 11 2003 - 07:46:00 GMT

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