VHS Tapes as storage.

From: Bob Mason <knightstalkerbob_at_netscape.net>
Date: Tue Feb 11 10:38:00 2003

"Andrew Strouse" <kittstr_at_access-4-free.com> wrote:

>Hi, I seem to remember reading in popular electronics, about software that
>would let you use a vcr to backup your computer. I think it was about 10
>years ago. Does anyone remember or know anything about this. My searches on
>google have turned up nothing. Thanks for any help you can provide!
>Andrew Strouse

There was also a hardware/software solution for the Amiga platform, found on Aminet in the disk/bakup dir, VBackup016.lha.

 "Some days ago I got a message from the german distributor of the "VideoBackupSystem" (Performance Peripherals Europe). They told me, that they think, VBackup looks so similar to the VBS (especialy due to the usage of the same hardware) that VBackup is a violation of the VBS copyright."

I may have the older file that has the schematics & software still archived somewhere.

Bob Mason
2x Amiga 500's, GVP A530 (40mhz 68030/68882, 8meg Fast, SCSI), 1.3/3.1, 2meg Chip, full ECS chipset, EZ135, 1084S, big harddrives, 2.2xCD
Gateway Performance 500 Piece 'o Crap, 'ME, 128meg, 20Gig & 40Gig, flatbed.
Heathkit H-89A, 64K RAM, hard and soft-sectored floppies, SigmaSoft and Systems 256K RAM Drive/Print Spooler/Graphics board HDOS 2 & CP/M 2.2.03/2.2.04
Received on Tue Feb 11 2003 - 10:38:00 GMT

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