Heathkit H89 Intro

From: Jason J. Gullickson <mr_at_jasongullickson.com>
Date: Wed Feb 12 23:16:37 2003

I recently acquired what I believe to be a Heathkit H89. It was
assembled a long time ago by my friend's father, contains a single disk
drive and a monochrome terminal.

My ultimate goal would be to get this thing running CPM and a C
compiler, but first I need to figure out if it's working.

I've yet to determine if it has a hard or soft-sectored disk controller,
but I have some general questions since I don't have any documentation.

First, where can I get some documentation? ; )

Second, when I turn the machine on, all I get is a blinking cursor. If
I depress the "offline" key, I can type characters on the terminal
accompanied by a short beep; if the "offline" key is not depressed, I
get long beeps and nothing on the display. What "should" it do when I
turn it on with no disk in the drive?

I'll be happy to provide more info as I dig it up, but any introductory
details on this system or references to websites, etc. would be greatly

Jason J. Gullickson
Received on Wed Feb 12 2003 - 23:16:37 GMT

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