> > Well, it would be a good idea to get the oil out of the hands
> > of the Arabs since they are using the profits to finance
> > terrorism.
> Yes, those damned dirty A-rabs. We all know for a fact that they use
> the profits to finance terrorism because Colin Powell showed us a pretty
> graphic that proved it. All those people who have doubts are just stupid.
> We all know a good A-rab is a dead A-rab. Fuck them. Let's go in there
> and take their precious oil from them so they can never use the profits
> to finance terrorism anymore. That'll end all terrorism forever and ever
> and we can live happily ever after guzzling all the free oil we want.
> Eric, you ROCK!!!
Okay, maybe you did see that I was using sarcasm. If so,
I apologize in saying you couldn't see I was using sarcasm.
Saying Bush is just after Iraq for the oil is like saying
the terrorists are using oil to finance their actions.
There is nothing but circumstantial evidence to support
either position. I guess I should have flagged that I
was using sarcasm, but I guess most people didn't see
As you point out, there's a big ignorance of the Arabic
people. Arabs aren't these backwards people that the
stereotypes portray. For instance, there's a lot of
basis in mathematics that were contributed by Arabs,
like the numerals and counting system we use. For some
reason people tend to think of the Greeks as the big
contributors to mathematics, and they did contribute a
lot, but the Arabic mathemeticians did a lot of work
that is fundamental. They also did a lot of early work
in astronomy. While Europe was covered in a veil of
religion that hindered scientific research, the Arabic
people were mapping the skies.
Eric Dittman
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/
Received on Tue Feb 18 2003 - 00:44:01 GMT