John Lawson wrote:
> I wrote this gentleman off-list (as the S/N ratio is rather out of hand
>just now) and asked some basic questions... mainly trying to find if he
>had just a disk, or the who thing. Follows is my reply to his response;
>if anyone can jump in with more or better info for him, please respond
>directly and cc: the list.
> The meta question is: what's he gonna do with the system once the data
>is mined??
> Cheers
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 13:47:25 -0500 (EST)
>From: John Lawson <>
>To: nk badoni <>
>Subject: Re: Transfer of Files From RSX-11
>On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, nk badoni wrote:
>>Hello John
>>Thank you very much for your kind reply.
>>Yes it is a complete system.
> Ah... this makes the process *much* easier! A bit of info now would
>be: what is the model of your DEC system? (ie PDP 11/23, VAX 11/750,
>PRO350... etc)
>>I have checked Kermit but I could not find this S/W
>>there. Might be my process was wrong.
> Hmmm... a lot of RSX systems had Kermit as part of the Distribution
>Kit.. you can try:
> MCR> DIR kerm*.*,*
> but if your disk is big and you CPU slow, this can take upto an hour to
> OR, you can use a Terminal Emulating program on your Wintel machine (I
>use VanDyke's CRT on my IBM Thinkpad running Win2K). Then, find the
>file(s) you want, and use the RSK 'type' command to list them to the port
>you are attached (logically and physically) to. Use your terminal
>program's "logging" or "screen capture" function, and... there you are!
>The files are safe on your PC. (This assumes you have a multi-port set of
>serial terminal connectors attached to the computer. This procedure can
>also be done using the PC terminal emulator attached to the DEC system
>console port. The object is to list the files as an ASCII stream and
>capture that listing on the PC's HD.
I've always had problems with transfering files this way.
You can lose lines, and not notice till it's way too late.
Usually it was obvious (program wouldn't compile), but
I wouldn't trust it very well.
> This will work with any storage media on your DEC computer, HDs or
>Floppies, by the way.
> Please write to the classiccmp list during this process, and we will all
>try to help out as much as possible.
> I will also forward this correspondence to the List.
There are ways of getting kermit onto a machine without it. It was a
common problem, and was usually documented with the distribution
for each varient. Start at
and you should be able to find everything you need. They should have a
"current" version of kermit for that machine.
Received on Tue Feb 18 2003 - 14:17:00 GMT